You’ve probably seen it on some form of social media by now, but whipped coffee is now a thing. However you feel about being home during this quarantine period, if you’re a coffee lover, then we’re sure you will enjoy this treat! All you will need are three ingredients and about 5-10 minutes and you’ll have whipped coffee!
First you’ll need to gather all of your ingredients along with a bowl, a spoon or hand mixer. You’ll need any type of granulated sugar (can be brown sugar, raw sugar, white, and even coconut sugar), any type of instant coffee, and boiling water. You’ll also need milk and ice (if you want the iced coffee vibes). The measurements of each ingredient are listed below.
2 Tablespoons of your sugar
2 Tablespoons of Instant Coffee
2 Tablespoons of boiling water

The instant coffee I decided to use was Maxwell House International in the flavor French Vanilla. This is my favorite flavor when in comes to coffee so I chose this, but of course you can use any flavor you want!

Once I added everything to my bowl, I used a hand mixer to whip the ingredients.

First we added the coffee..

Next the sugar is added…

We then added our boiling water and mixed together with our hand mixer for about 3-4 minutes.
Our thoughts…
Our version of the whipped coffee was pretty good! We definitely will add this to our list of weekend morning treats while we are in this quarantine. We’ve seen other recipes where people are using Matcha Powder, which we are excited to try! See our results below!

What do you think? Will you be trying this treat? What do you think about the concept of whipped coffee? Are you loving it or will you just be sticking to your regular method of making coffee?
No matter how you like your coffee, we hope you are staying safe and healthy during this time! Until we meet again, always remember to LIVE IN your truth and continue creating the life you desire.